IELTS Coaching

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IELTS Coaching

IELTS or The International English Language Testing System is an international standardized test that assesses the proficiency of non-native English speakers for the English language. Over 3.5 million tests are taken each year on average. Initially, IELTS was launched in 1980 by Cambridge English Language Assessment and was known as UCLES. During the 1980s, test taker numbers were low and there were practical difficulties while administering the test. As a result, the IELTS Revision Project was set up. The International Development Program of Australian Universities and Colleges (IDP) collaborated with Cambridge English Language Assessment and the British Council to form the international IELTS partnership which lead to the establishment of present day IELTS in 1989. The IELTS exam is well known and is recognised by more than 10,000 organisations around the world, including educational institutions, employers, professional associations and governments of over 140 countries. The IELTS test consists of four sections: speaking, listening, reading and writing. It is one of the most popular and sought after English language tests in the world. The most popular countries where IELTS is accepted for university admissions are the UK, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, and Canada. It is accepted in 100% of universities in the UK and Australia. Also, it is accepted in more than 3,400 institutions in the US and thousands of institutions in English – speaking countries.

There are two main modules of the IELTS:

  1. IELTS Academic
  2. IELTS General Training

The Academic version is meant for those who want to study at the tertiary level in an English-speaking country or those who wish to seek professional registration. The General Training version is devised for test-takers who want to work, train or study at a secondary school or those who wish to migrate to an

English-speaking country. The difference between the Academic and General Training versions is the content, context and purpose of the tasks. All other features, such as timing allocation, length of written responses and reporting of scores, are the same.

Exam pattern for IELTS

IELTS is divided into 4 parts –

Listening: 30 minutes (plus 10 minutes transfer time)

Reading: 60 minutes

Writing: 60 minutes

Speaking: 11–14 minutes

The duration of the entire examination is about 2 hours and 45 minutes. Listening, Reading and Writing are completed in one sitting. The Speaking test may be taken on the same day or up to seven days before or after the other tests.

All test takers take the same listening and speaking tests, while the reading and writing tests differ depending on whether the test taker is taking the Academic or General Training versions of the test.

The IELTS test can now be taken on a computer as well as on a paper. Test takers opting for IELTS on paper will attempt the Listening, Reading and Writing sections on a paper with either pen or pencil. The Speaking test is carried out in a face-to-face format under a trained IELTS examiner. The results of the paper-based test are declared after 13 calendar days. Test takers opting for IELTS on a computer attempt the listening, reading and writing sections on a computer. Just like the paper-based test, The speaking test remains face-to-face under a trained IELTS examiner. Computer-based tests allow you to choose from more test dates as per your convenience and the results are declared faster within 3 to 5 days.

IELTS scoring

IELTS has no minimum score requirement for passing the examination. The result of the IELTS examination is delivered in the form of 9 band scale. The highest that a candidate can be awarded is band 9.

Each Band score has a specific description –

Band score 9 – The candidates who are awarded band 9 are termed Expert users who possess a great command of the language English. Their accuracy and fluency are very high and they hold a complete understanding of the language.

Band score 8 – The candidates who secure band 8 are termed as very good users and have fully operational command over the language. Although they may experience occasional unsystematic inaccuracies, they are minor errors.

Band score 7 – The candidates who secure band 7 are termed as good users who have a decent amount of command over the language, though they consist of occasional inaccuracies and misunderstandings in certain situations. Generally, these candidates can handle complex language pretty well and do understand detailed reasoning.

Band score 6 – The candidates who secure band 6 are termed as competent users who have generally effective command over the language despite some inaccuracies and misunderstandings. These users can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.

Band score 5 – The candidates who secure band 5 are termed as modest users who have only partial command over the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations, though are likely to commit numerous mistakes. However, they can handle basic communication in their field.

Band score 4 – The candidates who secure band 4 are termed as limited users whose basic competence is limited to familiar situations. These types of candidates encounter frequent problems in understanding and expressing themselves. He or she is incapable of using complex language.

Band score 3 – The candidates who secure band 3 are termed as extremely limited users. These types of candidates can only convey and understand general information in familiar situations. These candidates suffer from frequent breakdowns while communicating.

Band 2 – The candidates who secure band 2 are termed as Intermittent users. They cannot indulge in full fledged conversations except for the most basic information by using isolated words or short formulae in familiar situations. They can serve the purpose of meeting immediate needs. They encounter great difficulty in comprehending spoken and written English.

Band 1 – The candidates who secure band 1 are termed as non-users who essentially have ability restricted to a few isolated words, they cannot even phrase a single error-free sentence.

Band 0 – The candidates who secure band 0 are those who didn’t show up for the examination itself. Hence one cannot evaluate his or her English proficiency by any chance.

Registration for IELTS test

It is extremely quick and easy and consist of 3  simple steps only-

Step one – Find your nearest IELTS test location

IELTS test locations are available in abundance. With more than 1,600 of them across 140 countries, it is quite a possibility to locate one near you.

Step two – Register for your IELTS test

You can register for your IELTS examination by online or offline mode. You can register and pay virtually or download an application form and then print it, fill it and finally submit it to your local test centre. One thing worthy of remembering is that you should without fail to provide a copy of your valid identity document and you must compulsorily carry the same identity document on the day of the test.

Step three – Your IELTS test is booked

Once your application has been processed, your test centre will send you a written confirmation of the date and time of your test. The Speaking test, however, can be completed up to a week prior to or after the other tests.

Eligibility criteria for IELTS

As such the conducting bodies of IELTS have not issued any educational or age-based eligibility criteria. This examination can be taken by anyone irrespective of his or her race, gender, age, religion or nationality. However, it is advisable for those under 16 years of age to not attempt.